Church Conference

September 15 @ 4:00pm

Paw Paw UMC


Our annual Church Conference will be held at Paw Paw UMC on Sunday, Spetember 15 at 4:00. All are invited to attend and have voice; only church members may vote.


We will gather at 3:00 with folks from 6 other area churches. Come meet our new District Superintendent and connect with others in ministry from Bangor, Paw Paw, Lawton, Gobles, Kendall, and Almena. 

Weekly events


Praise Band practice

6:00 pm

play an instrument or sing? join the guitar and bass players for a praise music rehearsal


Choir practice

7:00 pm

all voices are welcome to sing in the choir!


Contact Us

41470 24th Ave
Bloomingdale, MI 49026

269 521-4559 269 521-4559




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© Townline United Methodist Church 41470 24th Ave, PO Box 373, Bloomingdale, MI 49026